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Eclipse P38 Bags on the TDM

Courtesy of Ashley Kishino

Ashley comments:

"I have a set of the Eclipse P38 bags. I like them for the daily commute; they're big enough to hold a reasonable quantity of folders, binders etc on on side plus clothes, rain stuff etc on the other side. Not big enough to hold my laptop bag but that's asking a bit much; even with the bags installed the laptop can go on in the passenger position anyway.

"I think the best feature is the quick release. It has the standard plastic clip together brackets; you can undo two clips and the bags come right off; you can use them to carry stuff into the office or whatever without unpacking. Also probably not a bad idea for theft prevention. (actually there are three clips but you don't need to undo the third to get the bags off.).

"They fit nicely on the bike ( although I still have the stock exhaust not the SS2R ). The bags slope up parallel to the exhaust and the bottom is about 3 -4" above the top of the exhaust.

"The black and red color isn't a terrific match but it's not too bad; they sort of look like they belong."



Last updated 9 March 2002
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