How to Submit Material for the TDM List's Web Site

You can make my work much easier if you prepare your information according to the following directions. If the work is easier, your material will be posted faster.


The safest way to submit your text is in a text file (the format of file used by Notepad in Windows works well) with no hard returns at the end of the lines. There should be a return at the end of each paragraph. Text from word processors such as MS Word also usually works well. Please keep the formatting simple.

Pictures and Images

Picture files are generally smaller in JPEG format then GIF. However, you can send me either one according to size and quality. I suggest targetting the maximum size of the picture in the range of 200k to 600k, depending on the required effect. A big scenery may require a bigger picture than a technical picture of a simple detail.

Do not worry about thumbnails for the pictures. It used to be a very time consuming exercise, but I now use the auto-thumbnail feature in my Web editor.

Please include a caption for each picture unless you refer to it in your write-up, in which case you should clearly indicate where the picture reference is in the text. If the picture is by itself, please include a small explanation.

Images and graphics that may spruce up the site would also be welcome.


When you submit links, please includes the title of the site to link to, such as "Sam's Twin Site" and it's URL. Indicate why you think it is a site that should be visited, such as "There is a very good explanation of  torque wrenches". I will use this information to describe the link when I put it in.


As you may have noticed, I try to always indicate who has provided what for the site.



Last updated 9 March 2002
Please read our page about the background, objectives and limitations of the site content.
? copyright 1995 - 2002 Jody Levine & Louis-Charles Lavall?e & respective authors and contributors. Trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.